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习惯了车水马龙的桃树街 Peachtree Street 将在这个周日关闭禁止机车入内,居民可以自由在街上步行、跑步、骑自行车。


The streets of Atlanta will spring to life on Sunday, October 25 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., as a 2.7-mile stretch of Peachtree Street in Midtown and Downtown Atlanta is opened to people on foot, bike, and other human-powered activities, and closed to motorized traffic.


Participants can expect a wealth of activities hosted by community organizations and businesses. Community groups and businesses can get involved by: extending business onto the sidewalk by setting up cafe tables or displays and serving guests and customers; planning or sponsoring an activity that activates the space in front of their business; volunteering to help run the event or becoming a sponsor of the event.

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Date(s) - 2015年10月25号
下午2:00 - 下午6:00

Atlanta Downtown midtown


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