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活动时间:2015-04-22 ~ 2015-04-22
我刚刚从印度回到美国。这次在印度呆了长达7个月。 这是我5年来第九次去印度了。我不是去旅行, 我是去朝圣。五年的洗礼, 身心灵的洗涤,这一切言语难记。瑜伽, 净心,学习古老灵性圣典。 走访山林,洞穴。恒河之圣, 海洋之灵。见憎人,求先知。。。。遍访了南南北北,从喜玛拉雅山到南印度洋。。。。所学所悟极丰,愿意与有缘人分享。。

从下周开始我将在 atlanta unity church 进行分享讲座交流: 分享我的印度行朝圣求道经历体验及修炼理论实践。。有大量照片….


地址:3597 parkway lane Norcross, Ga 30092
下周三,4月22日晚7点。 room109 活动免费,欢迎捐献使用教会消费所用。

Event Announcement
Lecture and seminar of my pilgrimage through India aspirant experience
Time: 2015-04-22 (Wednesday)
I have just returned to the US from India after being there for seven months. This is my ninth time trip to India during the past five years. I went on a pilgrimage instead of a pleasure trip. Five years of baptism, the washing of body and soul, the feeling is hard to describe in words.
Yoga practice; meditation; learning the ancient spiritual scriptures; visiting the mountains and caves; from the north to the south, from the Himalayas to the southern Indian Ocean…
I would love to share my witness and experiences. So feel welcome to join me in this great opportunity.
Starting next week, I will be sharing and exchanging along with pictures at Atlanta Unity Church.

Event is Free (donations are welcome for the church consumer use.)

Time: April 22, 2015 @ 7:00 PM (Wednesday)

where: 3597 parkway lane Norcross, GA 30092
Room 109

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Date(s) - 2015年04月22号
下午7:00 - 下午9:15

Atlanta unity church


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