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每日飲水用水的何去何從 – 美東南玉山科技主辦5/30 能源、水源説明會

節約用水、廢水再生是近年來針對水資源短缺的應變措施,也是生活在廿一世紀的我們不可不具備的認知及任務。很少華人知道,在大亞特蘭大的谷內郡(Gwinnett county) 擁有全世界一流的廢水處理設施 F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center。美東南玉山科技協會擬訂於五月卅日下午二時至四時假谷内郡廢水處理中心Crooked Creek WRF campus (6557 Plant Drive, Norcross, GA 30092), 舉辦一場廢水轉換再生水說明會。商請國際知名廢水處理專家,目前任職谷內郡水資源處副處長的藍家齊先生主講。歡迎各界踴躍參與。

有卅多年廢水處理經驗的藍家齊將深入簡出,配以圖片說明來解釋谷內郡最先進的廢水資源再生設備及處理過程。 供應八十五萬居民用水,每日處理六千萬加侖廢水,F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center 是全球第一座廢水處理廠將污染的廢水經高科技處理成為可再用之水資源。藍先生將分三部分說明:灌注Lake Lanier 的再生水;廢水處理副產品甲烷的發電功用;及另一廢水處理副產品有機肥料的商機。會後並可實地參觀廢水廠運作。

身為大亞特蘭大居民,尤其是谷內郡居民請把握機會,瞭解你每日用水的來龍去脈。若有任何有關日常飲水用水廢水的疑問,也歡迎提出由專家直接回答。美東南玉山科技協會今年主題定調(綠化e生,Green eLife), 此説明會即為系列活動之一。

說明會由北一女校友會協辦,歡迎各界僑胞踴躍出席。請聯絡玉山科技理事長李玲(sharleenwong@yahoo.com,6786404934) 或北一女校友會會長戴念華( tai.nancy@gmail.com, 4046061828).

J.C. Lan, the Deputy Director of Gwinnett County, with 30 years of management and technical experience is a nationally recognized water reclamation expert. He will present the world most advanced water reclamation treatment facility, F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center, from 2 to 4pm on May 30. The location for the presentation will be at County’s Crooked Creek WRF campus which is located at 6557 Plant Drive, within the City of Peachtree Corners.

Serving more than 850,000 people, the largest of three County owned water reclamation facilities is the F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center (FWHWRC) which treats up to 60 million gallon per day. This world’s largest membrane and ozone facility with enhanced biological nutrient treatment process is one of first water reclamation facility converts the contaminated wastewater into recoverable resources. Mr. Lan will present treatment processes in details and show how these three products recovered:

1. Clean Water to Replenish Lake Lanier,

2. Methane Gas for Power Generation, and

3. Commercially Marketable Organic Fertilizer

If anyone like to learn this state-of-the-art water reclamation facility, please do not miss this opportunity.

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Date(s) - 2015年05月30号
下午2:00 - 下午4:00

F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center


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